5 Tips For Moving When You Have A Newborn

Moving can be challenging for just about any family, but it can be particularly difficult and disruptive when you have a newborn. These are a few tips that can help make it a little bit easier:

1. Clean and Baby-Proof Your New Home First

Even though your baby might still be too young to crawl and get into things, now is a great time to baby-proof everything in your new home, since you won't have to worry about any furniture being in the way. Since you might also feel most comfortable with a very clean home when you have a baby, you may want to go in and clean the place before you move in. You could also hire a cleaning crew to do the job for you.

2. Invest in a Baby Carrier

Even if you don't usually "wear" your baby with a baby carrier, you might find that one of these items will be very handy during your move. Then, if you need to move around and get things done, you'll know that your newborn is safe and close to you.

3. Hire a Moving Crew

Getting everything packed and moved can be challenging for just about anyone, but it can be even harder if you're sleep-deprived and busy taking care of your newborn. Now is a good time to consider treating yourself and hiring someone to help you. A moving crew can help handle the bulk of the work with packing, moving, and unpacking your items if you opt for full service. You may find that you need other help as well, such as someone who can watch your older children or your pets while you're moving. Now is certainly not the time to do everything by yourself.

4. Set up the Nursery as Soon as Possible

You're probably going to want to have your baby's nursery set up as soon as possible. Therefore, you should consider unpacking the necessities and setting up the crib and other essentials first. If you are working with a moving crew, you can let them know that you would prefer to have this room unpacked first.

4. Try to Maintain a Consistent Schedule for Your Little One

When you're in the process of moving from one home to another, maintaining a schedule can be difficult. However, attempting to maintain a regular schedule for your baby's feedings and sleeping is important if at all possible. Consider setting alarms on your smartphone to remind you when it's time for a feeding or to put your baby down for a nap, since it can be easy to lose track of time when you're busy preparing for your move.

5. Keep Baby Essentials in a Separate Bag

Make sure that your baby bag is well-stocked before you begin packing anything. Along with diapers and wipes, it's not a bad idea to pack other essentials, such as a few changes of clothes and a blanket. Then, even if you have trouble finding certain things when you're unpacking, you will still know that you have the most important essentials for your little one close at hand.

Contact local moving companies for more information and assistance. 

About Me

Storage Tips from an Avid Collector

While I have collected coins my entire life, after I retired, I decided to fill my free time building many other collections. I love performing the research on collectibles and deciding which new ones to begin focusing on. I have since begun collecting stamps, figurines, and sports cards. While my new hobbies filled my free time well, I soon realized my collections were also filling my home! I then realized I had to place some collectibles in storage. I then began researching how to keep collectibles in good condition storage and learned a lot. I am happy to say my collections are still in perfect shape, even after many years in storage. I am eager to share my storage tips with other collectors on my new blog!



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